I don't like sushi-boat restaurants. The whole concept is counter-intuitive to the idea of fresh sushi. I mean seriously, all that sushi sailing round and round being contaminated by breathing customers and getting stale within minutes of exposure. Non merci!

Yes, that is a slice of processed cheese covered with jellyfied ketchup and sweet fishy mayo. Totally gross.

More Kraft sushi - this one sans jelly-ketchup.

This was okay. It's hard to muck-up crab.

Another bland roll topped with sliced onion, fishy mayo and mystery yellow sauce.

I think this was scallop or oyster. I don't know.

Um, that white chunk sitting on top is cream cheese. I couldn't identify the yellow corn-meal looking stuff. Hmm.. maybe it's cornmeal.

This is what I mostly ate. The eel was actually good.

Sardine-type fish with a row of roe. Blarg!
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